Silvana Agostoni

April 2021


About the artist

Silvana Agostoni is a multicultural visual artist working primarily in photography and video. Much of her work explores the nature of our perceptual contact with the world and photography as a transformative surface that is capable of making the invisible visible and the intangible tactile.  She has addressed issues of the body as physical geography, identity and landscape.

Her work has been exhibited extensively in the US and Internationally in venues such as the Houston Center for Photography in Texas and the Centro de la Imagen in Mexico City.

She has received numerous awards and currently has the prestigious Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte Fellowship by the National Fund for Culture and Art in Mexico and was awarded the 2020 Minnesota State Arts Board Visual Artist Initiative Grant.

Silvana holds an MFA in Photography, Video and Related Media from the School of Visual Arts in New York.  She divides her time between Mexico City and Minneapolis.

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