About The Artist 

David Baboila is a lens-based artist from Saint Paul MN, currently based and working in Tucson, AZ. His work consists of images, videos, archives, objects and research in which he explores the role of culture, ideology and politics in shaping space and defining place. Currently, he is researching the history of the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona and its role in shaping and defining historic borderlands. In other works, he addresses memory, specifically looking at desire, perception and histories through image and video archives.

Baboila graduated from Augsburg University in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in Studio Art and Political Science. His work was featured in numerous group shows in the Twin Cities as well as solo exhibitions in Augsburg University’s Christensen Gallery and Q.Arma Gallery in Minneapolis. In 2017, he assisted photographer Alec Soth and his studio as an intern.

In 2019, David Baboila moved to Tucson, AZ to attend the University of Arizona’s MFA program in Photography, Video and Imaging where he is expected to graduate in May of 2022. He works as a graduate teaching assistant in the School of Art at the University of Arizona and continues to exhibit his work in the Phoenix and Tucson areas.

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